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Travel mode

Community Member

I'm a little confused by the travel mode documentation.

When you enable travel mode, this is done in the web interface, right? After this how does it decide from which devices to remove the non-travel vaults from? Is it only iOS devices? Is it laptops too? Do you get to choose?

If you don't have your 1Password account in the vault marked safe for travel, and it's removed from all of your devices, then how do you log back in to turn travel mode off?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @codykonior

    I'd be happy to help with those questions.

    When you enable travel mode, this is done in the web interface, right?


    After this how does it decide from which devices to remove the non-travel vaults from? Is it only iOS devices? Is it laptops too? Do you get to choose?

    Travel is per-person, not per-device. When you enable Travel Mode it affects all of the devices you are signed in on.

    If you don't have your 1Password account in the vault marked safe for travel, and it's removed from all of your devices, then how do you log back in to turn travel mode off?

    You would log in through the web interface. Your Master Password should be memorized, and the other details should be available in your browser's cache. If your browser doesn't remember your Secret Key you can get it from one of the apps (e.g. on iOS your Secret Key is available under Settings > 1Password Accounts > [your account] > Reveal Your Secret Key).

    I hope that helps!


  • thprice
    Community Member

    Travel mode would be much better if you could leave all vaults on any devices that your do not travel with and just leave the 'safe vault' on the devices that you are travelling with

  • That's a very interesting thought... but I would assume in such a case you wouldn't be with those devices? So I'm not sure I understand why it would matter if the data is on them or not? Could you please elaborate on what use case you imagine where that would be helpful?


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