My MBP died
My MacBook pro early 2008 died (bad logic board). I removed the hard drive and have it connected to my wife's MBP 2013 via external link. Her screen shows my hard drive on the screen. Double clicking shows everything on my older machine. Applications show 1Password. Activating 1Password connects me to a form as if I were a new user. How do I acquire my passwords. The information you requested about application versions is unattainable.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.14.3
Sync Type: Not Provided
I'm sorry to hear about your MacBook. Ideally you would boot from the external hard drive, and then access 1Password as you would if you were still using your MacBook. Running applications from the external drive without booting from that drive is not ideal (for any applications), and may mess up your wife's computer. Apple has a guide on how to do this, here:
How to select a different startup disk - Apple Support
Are you planning on replacing your MacBook, or is the intention to run with this setup long term?