My 1Password won't open on Chrome, nor on my mobile phone...

Community Member

First, 1Password would not open in Chrome. So I tried to delete and reinstall but it said "Desktop app required". I wasn't aware I had a desktop app, and I definitely don't have one now.
In order to get the password I needed, I turned to my iPhone 6 and tried to get it there...1Password is locked there too...I just get the launch screen, no way to log in either with pw or with touch ID.
I need my passwords...please help!!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:1 Password won't open in Chrome, or on my iPhone.


  • marhab
    Community Member

    My Mac OS is Mojave, my iOS is 12. I had to delete the extension so I don't have a version, and I cannot download the desktop app as I have lost my secret key when I changed Macs...I do need help!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @marhab! I'm sorry for the confusion and difficulty. If you have a account, are you able to sign into it on your Mac in a browser at ? The "desktop app required" message usually means you may have 1Password X installed but are trying to open and fill sites from within the main 1Password application. If you've still got your Master Password and your Secret Key (if you have a account), you should be able to sign in using your preferred browser. Let me know if that works for you.

  • marhab
    Community Member

    I do have a 1Password account, and all my passwords are in there, and I am shut out on both my Mac and my iPhone.
    No, I am not able to sign in, as it is asking for my Secret Key...I cannot find it, and have a suspicion that it is on my old Macbook, which don't have anymore...I do have my Master Password however.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @marhab - whenever you sign into your 1Password account from a device that's not previously signed in, you'll need both your Master Password and your Secret Key. After the first sign-in, however, you should only need your Master Password -- just like you do in 1Password for Mac or 1Password for iOS.

    I'm a little unclear how all of your devices became unavailable at the same time, however? Were you previously signed into your 1Password account in 1Password for iOS? If so - and even if you had Face ID enabled and it crashed - you should still be able to sign in with just your Master Password there. When you say "I just get the launch screen," what do you mean? The 1Password for iOS lock screen? It never clears? Can you post a screenshot here of what you're seeing in 1Password for iOS? Don't post anything with personally identifying information, but I'm not sure what you're referring to.

    On your Mac, please open your Applications folder and look inside. Do you see a 1Password application? If so, what version is it? What happens when you try to open it?

  • marhab
    Community Member

    OK. Thank you Lars, but I don't think you understood my situation. There was NO desktop application for 1Pw. However, it worked perfectly until about a month ago. And indeed all my Apple devices became unavailable at the same time.
    You are correct about the iOS 1Password for iOS launch screen. It never cleared.
    Fortunately, I found the Emergency Kit on my old Windows laptop, and was able to renew everything. So I'm OK now.
    It was not very much fun, I am glad it's OK now, but I am now nervous about 1Password and its reliability on Apple products :(

  • Just as Lars mentioned, I am unsure of the issue you had. I've been running 1Password on Apple devices for years, and it's very reliable. You would only get the lock screen on iOS if you had performed such things as a Face ID or Touch ID reset. Maybe you happened to add an alternative appearance or additional fingerprint. There are various reasons why, and my examples are only a few of the possible scenarios. Apple has built significant security measures into their OS(s). Often time's that gets in the way of the user. However, that's a good thing when we're talking about your security and protecting your data.

    The important thing is to store that Secret Key safely and securely. It's part of your Emergency Kit. So that you can access your account in the future, and this particular issue doesn't happen again.

    The best news you provided is you were able to regain access to your data. If we can be of further assistance, please ask away.

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