Passwords re-use is sometimes necessary. Can I tell watchtower to ignore these instances?

Community Member

I have two examples of situations where I need to use the same password with different logons, which Watchtower interprets as re-used passwords. 1: My work logon and work email account (outlook web app) use the same password but have different user names. The only way I can see to get round this is to create a separate logon for the two accounts. 2: I belong to several reward programmes but cannot logon to these without creating a separate logon for the website. Even though I am able to link these (Unlike case 1), Watchtower warns about re-used passwords. Is there a way round this or any plans to create one?

1Password Version: 7.4.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.14.6
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:allow password re-use


  • Hi @rob_stein,

    Indeed, these do seem like reasonable situations where the warning about duplicate passwords is likely not helpful. I don't know of any definite plans that I can share at this point, but it has been a long standing request from customers to improve this. We'd like to find a solution.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    Could you add a tag (e.g., "intentional duplicate") to each of the login items, and then when you see the Watchtower count, do a visual check against the count for the aforementioned tag to make sure they match? If the Watchtower count is higher, then you may have something to investigate...if the counts match, then you know all is well. (I admit it's somewhat clunky, but it's the system I used until my situation resolved itself and it was the best I could come up with...)

  • That's certainly an interesting workaround. Thanks for sharing @halocrime! :)


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