Import of agilekeychain stalls

Community Member

I am trying to import my 1password logins and such from an old agilekeychain file. I have starting the import, but it continues to repeatedly stall at file 29 of 157. Any help on this?

1Password Version: 7.4.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.15.3
Sync Type: DropBox?
Referrer: forum-search:import stops


  • Hi @mrgaskell

    How old is old? Do you know what version of 1Password last updated that keychain? If it wasn't 1Password 6 you may need to upgrade the keychain using that version prior to attempting to import into v7.


  • mrgaskell
    Community Member

    I believe it was 1Password 5, as I have a license for that in my folder (I can view it via the iOS app)

  • Okay. Agile Keychain was officially retired in favor of OPVault for 1Password 7. OPVault has been available since 2012. I'd suggest:

    1. Open and then quit 1Password completely — ⌘⌥⌃Q (Command Option Control Q)
    2. Drag 1Password to the Trash, but DO NOT use a "cleaner" app to remove 1Password if you have one (MacKeeper, CleanMyMac, AppZapper, etc)
    3. Empty the Trash
    4. Restart your Mac
    5. Install 1Password 6 from our website (scroll to the bottom): Download for Mac
    6. Open 1Password 6
    7. Open the Agile Keychain in question
    8. Upgrade the keychain to OPVault: Switch from the Agile Keychain format
    9. Upgrade to 1Password 7

    I hope that helps. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.


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