Edge extension?

Community Member

Now that Microsoft launched the official production version of Edge browser, can we please get an Edge extension?

Dashlane, LastPass, etc. all offer Edge extension, but all Agilebits currently offers is 1Password X.

Or is that the plan? To discourage non subscription licenses moving forward by ceasing development of non X extensions?

1Password Version: 7.4.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.15.2
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Ben
    edited January 2020

    Hi @philkim

    I'm not aware of plans for a different extension besides 1Password X for Edge. Development is currently focused on 1Password X. I'll be happy to pass the suggestion along to the team, though.

    Edit: One of my colleagues kindly pointed out it may be possible to install the traditional Chrome extension in Edge... but there are quite a few steps: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/540281/#Comment_540281


  • ckellsworth
    Community Member

    Yes we could "hack" our way into using a chrome plugin but lets be real if you want to really support your users, release an extension that supports your desktop install. Since both Chrome and Edge use the source code base i doubt there will be lots of hard work for them. just to help them Microsoft wrote nice article about this exact topic :) . https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/extensions-chromium/developer-guide/port-chrome-extension

    at this point this app is the only app that would prevent me from uninstalling chrome from my computer.

    -- Post written on Microsoft (Chromium) Edge

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ckellsworth - as Ben said, nothing to announce at this time regarding a specific companion-app extension for MS Edge for Mac -- but thanks for the suggestion, and the link. :)

  • pcallies
    Community Member

    OK, if you're not going to support an extension for Edge, when will 1Password X support touch ID on the Mac. Given that your users care about passwords, I suspect many like me use a master password that we don't want to enter every time we want to unlock 1Password.

  • Lazarus Long
    Lazarus Long
    Community Member

    Please, please give us an Edge extension!

  • ckellsworth
    Community Member

    I don't think they are "not" going to build the extension they just don't want to publicly commit to a timeline or actually doing it. however if the don't do it... its def a black mark against 1password.

    yes I have a subscriptions for the software but the costs to to actually use in business or family the way they want is way to high so our companies use other much cheaper methods to share/sync password vaults across the company. Still to this day I run 1 shared vault with a family member and three distinct businesses shared vault.... that would cost me what $4.00 per company and $5.00 for family. yep nope too costly to even think about.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @pcallies - 1Password X already "supports" Touch ID on Mac, via Deskop App Integration. You'll need the beta of both 1Password X and 1Password 7 for Mac, but it is available and working as a beta if you'd like to try it out. I use it here daily.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Lazarus Long (nice username, BTW, gotta love an old Heinlein reference :) ) - thanks for adding your voice to this issue.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ckellsworth - there are certainly reasons to belong to or create different 1Password accounts, and yes, they are charged separately. But if you've got a 1Password Business account, it should come with free 1Password Families accounts for every member of the Business account. Were you aware of that? If you've got even one 1Password Business account, you certainly shouldn't be paying for 1Password Families -- if you have been, get in touch with support+billing@1password.com and they'll be happy to sort you out.

    I don't know your particular situation, but you may also want to experiment with the concept of inviting Guests to either your 1Password Business or 1Password Families accounts -- or both. Guests are not full members of the account; they do not get a Private/Personal vault, nor access to the Shared vault. Instead, each Guest gets access to one single vault that you designate. You can have 5 guests in 1Password Families and up to 20 at any one time in 1Password Business, free of additional charge. Hope that's helpful, but feel free to ask any questions.

  • ckellsworth
    Community Member

    right now we all have personal accounts its works just perfect for everything we need it do. but thank for the info.

  • pcallies
    Community Member

    @Lars thanks for being an active participant on this forum. Maybe I'll give the beta releases of 7 and X a try. How long have they been in beta? Are they stable (understanding that they're betas)?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @pcallies - you're quite welcome. I do work here, after all. ;) (but even without that, I enjoy helping people figure out how to use 1Password to better meet their needs :) ).

    I mean, you said it: they're betas. That doesn't mean we don't try to make them as solid as possible, but betas are indeed where new issues are more likely to come up because they're also where new features and the like are first rolled out. Having given that obligatory caveat, my opinion is they're quite (dare I say it) stable. By the way, you can always look at all our releases, including betas in our version history server.

    The current beta of 1Password 7 for Mac is 7.4.2.BETA-2, and it was just released Monday (1/13/20). But the first 7.4.2 beta was all the way back in November of last year, and we've had no major issues, either from our own internal testing or from user feedback in the Mac Beta forum. The current beta of 1Password X is 1.18.2. Here again, it was released just last Friday (1/10/20), but the first beta of 1.18 was back in early December.

    Give it a shot and join us in the Mac Beta or 1Password X beta and let us know how it goes! For the Mac beta, you can just click 1Password > Preferences > Updates and check the button marked "Include beta builds," then do a manual check and it will update. For 1Password X beta, you'll need to disable the stable-channel version and then install the beta from this unique Chrome store link.

This discussion has been closed.