Syncing issues between 1Password X Beta 1.18.2 and MacOS Desktop app 7.4.2.BETA

I'm running into issues where newly saved passwords in the chrome extension do not seem to exist in the Desktop app despite the integration being enabled:

When I go click edit on the newly created Login in the Extension, it attempts to open the desktop app but the login is not stored in the desktop app so it doesn't navigate me to anywhere.

When should we expect logins in the extension to sync fully to the desktop App?



  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @bradical! In my experience, the sync is just about instant whether Desktop App Integration is enabled or not. I just tested it out on my end and confirmed that as well. As a test, can you create a new Login in 1Password for Mac then check to see if it appears in 1Password X? Let me know what you find.

  • bradical
    Community Member

    Sure, I can try it again. I've found this to be sporadic. I definitely have the integration enabled as you can see above though I'll occassionally go to that screen and see that there is a problem with the integration.

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    You know what, @bradical. I actually wonder if this has something to do with the other issue you're having. If your account isn't able to sync to the server due to the MFA issues, then it won't push/pull any changes that are being made.

  • bradical
    Community Member

    That would make sense and the timing is consistent

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    @bradical – That's good to know.

  • bradical
    Community Member

    Hmm this is happening again. I generated and saved a password for a login with the 1Password X Beta for Chrome (v1.18.6). I realized that it didn't have a username so went to click edit via the extension. It opened the 1Password desktop app but the login didn't exist in the desktop app almost as though they are not synced. Any ideas?

  • bradical
    Community Member

    I can't seem to find any way to edit the login since all of the edit options open the Desktop app where the login doesn't appear to exist.

  • bradical
    Community Member

    Hmm, clicking on the vault where the login should have been caused it to appear in the desktop app. Before I was just searching across all vaults and it wasn't showing up. Now it's there and when I search for it globally it shows up. 🤷🏾‍♀️

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    @bradical – Super interesting. I'm guessing you tried to edit the item right after it was created in 1Password X. Is that right?

    Just so I'm clear, you didn't run into the same "Unable to reach the server" error that you have in the past, correct?

  • bradical
    Community Member

    Super interesting. I'm guessing you tried to edit the item right after it was created in 1Password X. Is that right?

    Correct. It was visible in 1Password X at that point but apparently not visible in the desktop app which I don't really understand at a basic level. Does 1Password X maintain its own cache of logins? I just assumed it was reading from the app.

    Just so I'm clear, you didn't run into the same "Unable to reach the server" error that you have in the past, correct?

    Nope. Not at this time. I checked the status of the desktop integration in the plugin settings and it looked good. No other visible problems that I could see.

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    @bradical – 1Password X syncs with your account, and 1Password X and the 1Password for Mac desktop app communicate via native messaging. That said, the 1Password for Mac desktop app also syncs with your account, in my experience, the items have shown up in the 1Password desktop app just about instantaneously. I'll start keeping a close eye on it each time I save an item and see if I notice any delay.

  • bradical
    Community Member

    Hi @kaitlyn, I'm seeing this again. I created a login with the 1Password that appears to be correctly integrated with 1Password for Mac (see below), but when I click Edit or Open in New Window, it opens 1Password for Mac and the login is not there. So it's in 1Password X and but not in 1Password for Mac. Any ideas?

    1Password 7
    Version 7.4.4.BETA-0 (70404000)
    1Password Beta

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    @bradical – The fact that the item is available in both 1Password X and on makes me think there's an issue with syncing in 1Password for Mac. 🤔 If you create an item in 1Password for Mac, does the item appear in 1Password X and on

  • bradical
    Community Member

    So the login is there now and things are working again so I can't test your question. One thing I noticed that might be related was that I tried disabling and re-enabling the "Integrate with 1Password for Mac" setting and got an error about an untrusted browser and couldn't get it to work again until restarting Chrome. So it's possible that—despite the screenshot above—the integration wasn't working.

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    @bradical – Ah, that's likely due to an update in Chrome. I do know that there was a Chrome update recently, so that would line up. When Chrome goes through an update process, the code signature actually changes temporarily. It doesn't return to normal until after you restart Chrome and the update is complete. If it ever happens again, try clicking Chrome > About Google Chrome in your macOS menu bar with Chrome open and check if there's a pending update.

  • bradical
    Community Member

    Will do. It would be good if the plugin about screen mentioned something about that. As it was, it looked as though the integration and plugin were performing normally

  • You're totally right, @bradical — We should be showing notifications or throwing errors when 1Password X loses connection & there's an easy explanation, like a pending browser update. However, I'm almost convinced that's not what caused the lack of item sync this time around since, as you and Kaitlyn discovered previously, the item created was available in both 1Password X and on, which means 1Password X was syncing just fine. I'm also thinking that since there wasn't a Desktop App Integration error on the 1Password X Settings page, the issue likely wasn't with a loss of connection to the app via Desktop App Integration. I agree with Kaitlyn's previous assessment that it may very well have been the 1Password for Mac desktop app having trouble syncing to the server, or maybe a blip in network connectivity. I'm hoping it doesn't happen again, but if you're unable to sync again after saving an item using 1Password X, can you try creating another arbitrary test item in the 1Password for Mac app and see if it syncs with or shows in 1Password X right away?

    One other thing that might be helpful is checking if any errors appear in the browser's background/console logs when you go to edit the item from within 1Password X and nothing shows up. That would show us if the issue's got to do with Desktop App Integration. This guide will show you how to grab those logs. If something is showing up there, feel free to send them over so we can investigate! :)

  • bradical
    Community Member

    Thanks for the info. Will be sure to grab that info should it happen again.

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    @bradical – Sounds great! :+1:

  • bradical
    Community Member

    So this happened again this morning (is still happening actually!) where I created a login in 1Password X that shows up in the extension and my webapp but is not showing up in the desktop app. I tried to capture the console errors from the background views but it didn't generate any. When I click Edit on the login item in the extension it simply opens 1Password for Desktop and shows nothing since that login doesn't exist.

    Current versions are: 1password X (beta) 1.20.0 and Desktop 1Password 7 Version 7.5.1.BETA-0 (70501000).

    Settings screen looks fine:

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    @bradical – Has the item appeared in 1Password for Mac by now? I'm wondering if the item appears in the 1Password web app when this happens. Essentially, I'm trying to figure out if it's 1Password X that's not syncing or if it's 1Password for Mac. Checking to see if the item is in the 1Password web app should help me determine that.

  • bradical
    Community Member

    The item is definitely in the webapp and definitely not in the 1Password for Mac app still

  • bradical
    Community Member

    Should also note the same thing just happened with a login that was moved by my spouse into a shared vault—it's showing up in the webapp but not in the share vault.

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    @bradical – Thanks for that. I'd like to loop in our Mac team here. Would you mind sending in a diagnostics report via email? I know we've asked for this before, but it'll help them take a look at the current sync status. You can find the instructions for creating a diagnostics report here. Go ahead and send it to with your forum username along with a link to this thread. We'll get things matched up, and I'll reach out to the folks who specialize in 1Password for Mac. While I'm pretty familiar with it, I specialize in 1Password X, so syncing on 1Password for Mac is a little out of my territory.

  • bradical
    Community Member

    @kaitlyn unfortunately it seems like it finally synced late last night so I'm not sure how relevant the diagnostic data will be at this point. I went ahead and submitted it anyway. For the record, it took about 5 hours before this new login and the login that was moved into a shared Vault showed up in 1Password for Mac.

    Thanks for your assistance with this! It seems pretty clear at this point that we're no longer dealing with a 1Password X issue so I'm happy to close this out in favor of a support ticket or forum thread in a different location if you'd prefer.

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    @bradical – Ah, yeah. It likely won't be as relevant, but I'm glad you started the conversation nonetheless. I wasn't able to locate the ticket in our database, though. Did you happen to receive an auto reply with a ticket ID in the subject? It would look something like [#ABC-12345-678].

    Ideally, we'll want to catch it in the act and pull a diagnostics report right then. So, next time the same situation occurs – where you create an item in 1Password X, you can view the item in the 1Password web app. but you can't view it in 1Password for Mac – feel free to create a diagnostics report and send it in. Thank you for your endless help and patience with this!

  • bradical
    Community Member

    Did you happen to receive an auto reply with a ticket ID in the subject? It would look something like [#ABC-12345-678].


    Ideally, we'll want to catch it in the act and pull a diagnostics report right then. So, next time the same situation occurs – where you create an item in 1Password X, you can view the item in the 1Password web app. but you can't view it in 1Password for Mac – feel free to create a diagnostics report and send it in. Thank you for your endless help and patience with this!

    It seems to happen pretty consistently so perhaps I could just try it by creating a login in 1Password X and seeing if it syncs.

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2020

    Thanks, @bradical! I don't think the diagnostics report will be all that useful while things were syncing correctly. If you do end up having some spare time to complete that test, feel free to create a diagnostics report right after and let us know how it turns out for you. I've got your ticket in the right place, so you can send another reply to with [#CLD-29938-213] in the subject line, and your new message will be linked up with your existing ticket.

    ref: CLD-29938-213

  • swrobel
    Community Member

    Just joining this thread to say I have this same issue and submitted a very detailed report with ID [#WJL-85293-788]

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Thank you! I confirm that I have managed to locate your diagnostics report in our system :+1: We will take a look and someone will get back to your email as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your patience!

    ref: WJL-85293-788

This discussion has been closed.