Firefox vs. either Chrome or Safari

Community Member

I'd like to use Firefox. But when using either Chrome or Safari, when I double-click on a site in my 1PW software, the browser opens and automatically fills in username & PW. So, it's a 1-step processs. But, in Firefox, when double-clicking the site, the web page opens, but the user and PW don't fill automatically. So, a second step is required. Is there a setting that I can change that will allow Firefox to perform like Chrome or Safari in this respect? Thanks in advance!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @KeBa1!

    Firefox should behave in the same way. Is this happening on every website for you in Firefox?

  • KeBa1
    Community Member

    Yes. Have tested same issue with Firefox on another computer as well.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Thank you for the confirmation. Can you please confirm what version of 1Password and the 1Password browser extension this is happening with?

  • KeBa1
    Community Member

    Sure, 1PW 7.4.3. Extension

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Thank you for the confirmation. I have just tested this here, and after setting Firefox as my default browser and double clicking on a Login item inside my 1Password app, a tab in Firefox loaded and 1Password filled my username and password on the website, so things worked well here. Perhaps there is an issue with the specific website you tested?

  • KeBa1
    Community Member

    Huh. No, I just tested again with 5 websites. 1PW does take me to the login page on the site, but in order to fill in the info, I must to up to the 1PW icon in the toolbar at the top of my screen and click that; then click on autofill, and it completes. But it does require that second step. Very odd. Are you running this on a mac?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Yes, I am on a Mac. I am running macOS 10.15.4, 1Password 7.4.3, browser extension version and Firefox 74.0 (64-bit).

  • KeBa1
    Community Member

    Hum. Well, I'll see if Mozilla can give me any guidance on this. Really baffling, as I'm experiencing exactly the same issue on 2 different macs. So, you do only the single step, of double-clicking on the web page from within your 1-PW software, and you receive completed username and PW sections on that site, without having to also click on the 1PW icon at the top of your page, and hit autofill, right?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    So, you do only the single step, of double-clicking on the web page from within your 1-PW software, and you receive completed username and PW sections on that site, without having to also click on the 1PW icon at the top of your page, and hit autofill, right?

    That is correct :+1:

    One quick thing I could suggest is to try quitting 1Password completely (right-click on 1Password mini in the menu bar at the top right of your screen > Quit 1Password Completely), and then relaunching 1Password. Perhaps even quitting and relaunching Firefox too might help, and see if starting fresh helps.

  • KeBa1
    Community Member

    Just tried those things, but no change. Thanks for your time on this. I'll make a quick attempt with Mozilla before giving up.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Sounds good :+1: :)

  • KeBa1
    Community Member

    Please forgive a second request on the same issue. I have tried everything, including un & re-installing firefox on 2 different macs. Still the same issue. To save you a moment....when using either Chrome or Safari, when I double-click on a site in my 1PW software, the browser opens and automatically fills in username & PW. So, it's a 1-step processs. But, in Firefox, when double-clicking the site, the web page opens, but the user and PW don't fill automatically. So, a second step is required. Is there a setting that I can change that will allow Firefox to perform like Chrome or Safari in this respect? Thanks again for your help. I really want to use Firefox as my default browser, but this problem is a deal-breaker. Thanks so much.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    I am not aware of any specific setting to make this work: for me it worked out of the box, like with other browsers. If this is not working with you and is a deal breaker for you, but you still would like to use Firefox as your browser, have you considered searching for your login directly within the 1Password browser extension in Firefox?

    Unless your browser is closed most of the time, perhaps it will be more convenient to launch the login directly from Firefox, instead than from the desktop app.

  • KeBa1
    Community Member

    Thanks again. It does autofill if I go in through the extension, but since that requires the step of opening Firefox first, I think I will just have to use Safari or Chrome to avoid a 2-step process. Thanks for your time though.

  • Thanks for the update @KeBa1. :)


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