Feature Request - practical sync option that allows users to 'own' their data

Community Member

I would like to request a universal sync option that doesn't require the user to rely on a third party to store their data. I am a cross platform user with 4 devices & am also becoming increasingly conscious of data privacy and ownership. Currently, I use Dropbox - but I would like to discontinue using their services. I am aware that I could take out a 1Password membership, but this would simply involve me handing over my data to another provider, and is thus not a suitable outcome for me.

I am also aware that there are far too many possible 'sync' services out their for 1Password to support all of them, but I see no reason why a generic remote access protocol could not be supported. I am no IT expert, but one such example that comes to mind is FTP; it is a platform agnostic protocol supported by many vendors. The 1Password software would only need to support the generic parameters of the protocol, and the onus would be the user to configure their own servers, software & associated security settings.

1Password Version: 7.4.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.15
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Ben

    Hi @jamesa5454

    Thank you for taking the time to write in with your thoughts. I wish I had more encouraging news to share with you and others who share these wishes, but I can say with confidence that this isn't on the horizon for 1Password. All of our development focus for sync is on 1Password.com, with no plans to add additional options. At this stage I don't see that changing.

    1Password.com was designed from the ground up with privacy and security in mind, and we have what I would argue is the best in the industry. You can read more about each here:

    and the onus would be the user to configure their own servers, software & associated security settings

    That's exactly part of the problem with this sort of thing. One of our goals is to make 1Password more accessible, not less, and introducing options where end users would be expected to configure server settings runs counter to that goal.

    I'm sorry I don't have the answer you were hoping for, but I wanted to be as up front as I possibly can about the direction we're headed. If FTP support is critical for you then unfortunately 1Password is probably not going to be the right solution.


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