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I have a free account (Families Plan, free with business acct) and I'm leaving. What happens?

Community Member

I have a free account ("You are on the Families Plan, free with membership to a business account.") I'm leaving the company that provided it; does that mean my personal/free/family account goes away, or will it stay active? I understand by business vault will go away, but will I still have access to my personal one?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dschmidt512! Welcome to the forum!

    You Families account will remain, but it will become frozen. You can add a payment method to your Families account to keep using it.

  • AllenH
    Community Member

    Can you elaborate on what "frozen" means? Are we still able to access the current passwords in our local vaults, or do they only live in the cloud vault? If I'm perfectly honest, a non-local copy of something in the cloud gives me a bit of agitation - but I'm coming to terms with some passwords stored there. Ultimately what is the end-game when subscriptions end?


  • Ben
    edited April 2020

    You can read about what frozen means here:

    If your 1Password account is frozen

    In short: yes, you can still view/copy/export your data while frozen, but you cannot add or modify data, or use the browser extensions. As Ana mentioned you can add a payment method to unfreeze it. :)


  • AllenH
    Community Member

    Ok, excellent, Ben, thank you for that explanation. This is important mostly because I know that eventually all apps/services/etc., go by the way side (RIP Google+ and GoogleReader) lol. I'll read more docs for my other questions here. Thanks so much for your help! 1password was a program always on my list of to-buy when I got a real job. ;) Nice to see that you aren't locked out completely.

    Thank you.

  • Aww, why'd you have to go and bring up Google Reader? :cry: I still miss it. lol.

    We understand the importance of not locking folks out of their data, and so 1Password was designed in a way to not do that. Obviously if we disappeared off the face of the planet, which looks to be very unlikely any time in the foreseeable future, you'd want to export your data and move to another offering. But you'd have lots of time to do that, so long as you had been signed into one of our native apps before it happened.


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