Use of Emergency kit

Community Member

I have downloaded my Emergency kit (pdf) file in my Mac laptop and saved it on the hard drive to be able to forward it to a close family member in case something happens with me....
I do not want to print it out on paper to be forwarded to my family member (that would require the family member to store my Emergency kit document in a bank safe or similar), but rather copy it to a memory card for me to send the memory card by registred mail to the family member...
To enclose the file in an e-mail to him feels risky to me...

The family member intends to store my emergency kit file/data in his own password manager.

The downloaded emergency kit page on my laptop has a blank field (with a pencil symbol at the far left) intended for my master password, but I can`t type in my master password there in the pdf file. Is it locked?
Is the only way to print the page out and fill in my master password by hand with a pen?
I think that is the transfer the pdf file to the close family member without master password is useless, right??
Please help and tell me if I have misunderstood something!
PS. What is the (optical reading square, the grey camera read-outfigure) intended for?Forgive my ignorance!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Ben

    Hi @ulbn

    The Emergency Kit PDF isn't editable. The intention is to only write in your Master Password on a printed copy (hence the pencil icon). I think your plan may be a good one, but I'd suggest telephoning your family member once they have received the memory card so you can give them your Master Password. That way both secrets (Secret Key and Master Password) aren't shipped together.

    The box at the bottom of the kit is a QR code. It can be scanned by 1Password using the camera on your device to automatically fill in your sign-in address, email, and Secret Key. It does not contain/fill your Master Password.

    Does that help? Please let me know.


  • ulbn
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben, and yes, that was helpful!
    Now I know what I need to proceed!
    Best regards

  • Ben

    Excellent. :) Please feel free to write in if you have further questions.


  • TimL
    Community Member
    edited April 2020

    A day or so ago I added 2FA to my account, noting the key as suggested in the instructions regarding the procedure. All very easy. "Great" I thought, all I have to do is download a new Emergency Kit document which will now surely include a blank field for the 2FA key to be written in addition to the one for the Master Password. There is no field for the 2FA key and I would like to suggest that the Emergency Kit document is updated to include one please. (Do the 1Password devs read the forum comments?)

    FWIW... I print out and lodge with my lawyer a copy of the Emergency Kit document to be kept with my will so that my next of kin / executors can gain access to my stuff after my death.

  • Ben

    I usually recommend printing the TOTP secret QR code and attaching it to the Emergency Kit, but it would be handy to have it right on the same page. We've discussed it, but initial reactions that having two QR codes on the page might be confusing. We already have the setup code there. I suppose we could present it in text instead of QR, but that is less convenient. We'll continue to brainstorm on it. :) Thanks!


  • TimL
    Community Member

    No, Ben... as I said... following the instructions for setting up 2FA there is a recommendation that the 16 character code displayed on a one-time only basis adjacent to the QR code is noted. I'm not sure how you could "note" a QR code! What I'm suggesting is a field being included in the Emergency Kit .pdf, in the same way as the 'Master Password' field currently is for those of us who follow the instructions carefully and want to additionally write down that 16 - the 2FA - character code ;-)

  • Ben

    No, Ben... as I said... following the instructions for setting up 2FA there is a recommendation that the 16 character code displayed on a one-time only basis adjacent to the QR code is noted. I'm not sure how you could "note" a QR code! What I'm suggesting is a field being included in the Emergency Kit .pdf, in the same way as the 'Master Password' field currently is for those of us who follow the instructions carefully and want to additionally write down that 16 - the 2FA - character code ;-)

    That's what I meant when I said "I suppose we could present it in text instead of QR" - sorry I wasn't more clear. Yes, I mean we could potentially include a spot for the TOTP secret text (rather than QR) on the kit.


  • TimL
    Community Member

    That would, imho, be excellent :) The suggestion in the setup guidance is to note down the 16 character code so having somewhere convenient - and logical - to do so would be great. Everything in one place and easily found by whoever needs to. And amending the .pdf would be quick, easy and, essentially, cost-free :p

  • Ben

    :+1: :)


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