Trying to sync my iphones and my Mac with iCloud. Sync is not an option in my Preferences.

Community Member

Trying to sync iphones with Mac. Sync is not an option in my Preferences in 1 password on my Mac. I changed a password on my Mac and want it to be changed on my iphones.

1Password Version: 7.4.3
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.12.6
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:Installed 1 Password on Mac and 2 iphones. Can't find sync option in my menu.


  • ag_tommy


    With you not seeing a sync tab, that usually indicates you are using a membership. In a membership, there is no sync tab as all of the syncing is done in the background.

    How did you change your Master Password? Do you happen to see a Primary vault on your Mac?

  • lizzcallaway
    Community Member

    I changed a bank password on my Mac and it didn't change on my iphone 6. That's why I thought I needed to sync them somehow. Today the password has changed on the iphone 6. Miraculously, I would say, although maybe just turning it off and back on did the trick.
    Thanks for explaining the reason I couldn't find the sync tab.

  • Ben

    Thanks for the update @lizzcallaway. To be sure things are going to work properly moving forward I'd like to check a couple of things.

    1. Are you able to sign into your 1Password account at ?
    2. Do you see a vault called "Primary" on any of your devices?

    Please let me know.


  • lizzcallaway
    Community Member
    1. Yes, I am able to sign into my 1Password account with the above link.
    2. I do not see a vault called "Primary" on any device. I see Personal.
  • Ben

    Excellent. That's what we were hoping for. It should be smooth sailing going forward then but please let us know if you encounter any further hiccups.


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