Feature request: allow user to specify subtitle for any entry in list view

Community Member

In the list view of entries, 1Password displays each item's name, an icon, and a "subtitle". This subtitle seems arbitrary, i.e. some field is chosen based on the item type. E.g. for Memberships, Member Name is used; for credit cards, Number is used (instead of the Name). For documents, the file size is shown.

Sometimes this info is appropriate, sometimes not. E.g. I want to know if the credit card is in my name or my wife's name; I cannot tell by looking at the number. I may want to know whether a document is a PDF or JPG, not its size.

Request: each Item has a new "subtitle" field. If it's defined, it's the name of the entry to display as the subtitle; if it's not, do what you're doing now. E.g. for Documents, subtitle could be "file type", overriding the default "file size". Alternatively, "subtitle" could be the text to display as the subtitle.

1Password Version: 7.5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.14.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2020

    Hi @garyhooper!

    I will pass this suggestion to the developers as well :+1: :)

    ref: dev/projects/customer-feature-requests#179

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