Community Member
edited May 2020 in Mac

I have a problem with the OTP on my MacBook, i.e it differs from the OTP generated on my iPhone. If I try to login on to ,say Amazon, on my MacBook I have to use the OTP that is generated on my iPhone which is completely different to the one generated on my MacBook.
I have an account and am on the latest version on both my Mac and my iPhone. any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT. I also have an another iPhone and iPad and the OTPs all tally on those.


  • ag_tommy
    edited May 2020


    The predominant reason that a 2FA code doesn't work is that the time on your computer is slightly off. 2FA codes are generated by your device, using the current time, and they change about every thirty seconds. If your computer clock drifts/differs from the server, a wrong code will be generated. Another way to put it is with the clocks on your computer, and the server differing, a mismatch in the 2FA codes occur, resulting in an inability to log in.

    I would check and make sure the time is set correctly on your device. Nowadays, most all devices set their time automatically. However, hiccups still happen. I have had to toggle my "Set time automatically" settings from On > Off > On.

    I might also suggest checking your time against https://time.is/

  • Furzul
    Community Member
    edited May 2020

    Well done that man. it is a new MacBook and the time was not set to auto. Seems to be working now.
    Thank you.

  • ag_tommy

    I also found my time off on a new MacBook. So, I totally understand your pain. You're welcome from one kindred spirit to another.

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