Adding additional 2FA/OTP to 1Password after previously only added it to another app (Authy)

Community Member


I previously added all my 2FA/OTP using Authy for websites and software. That time, I hadn't realise that 1Password also had that function.

Now, I would like to add 2FA/OTP to 1Password for each of those website and software. The QR code for each website / software no longer appears in their privacy/security/2FA section.

Is there a way to add 2FA/OTP in 1Password, perhaps like scanning Authy for each item?

Or do I have to disable 2FA for each website & software, and then re-enable it, and rescan it both on 1Password & Authy?

I would prefer not to have to do the latter, as I understand it requires more steps, including generating a new set of backup codes, which means I have to store it some where else again.


1Password Version: 7.5 (70500003)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS Mojave 10.14.6
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:QR code


  • Ben

    Hi @sweejin

    I don't know that there is a way to get the TOTP secrets from Authy, which would suggest that the latter method you outlined would be the only method.

    including generating a new set of backup codes, which means I have to store it some where else again.

    What would be the purpose in that, particularly if you have your TOTP secrets stored in both 1Password and Authy? I would suggest that perhaps this is unnecessary.


  • sweejin
    Community Member

    Hey Ben,

    I too prefer to have my TOTP stored only on one app, which is 1Password.

    Awhile back when I purchased 1Password, I learnt about having a good password manager to create and store different passwords. I was unaware of the concept of 2-Factor Authentication, and it's importance. I also, hadn't realise / notice that feature was also provided by 1Password.

    Later on, when I learnt about 2FA and it's importance, I purchased Authy based on reviews online. So I used both 1Password and Authy together over time.

    But soon after, when I discovered that 1Password also had 2FA, I started using 1Password for that instead. However, a lot of my websites already were set up with Authy.

    But moving forward and recently, I just used 1Password, as it makes things a lot easier with 1 app, rather than switching from 1Password for the password and Authy for 2FA code.

    So yeah, I agree, using them both would be unnecessary.

  • Ben


    Ah, sorry for creating some confusion there. I actually wasn't suggesting not using Authy in conjunction with 1Password. I was suggesting considering the value of saving backup codes when you'll have two separate apps that hold your TOTP secrets. :)


  • sweejin
    Community Member

    Oooooh, my bad, I didn't read carefully what you were saying in reply to re-generating new backup codes.

    I wasn't thinking it through properly, you're right, both would act as redundant TOTP for each.

    I guess, all I am required now is to ensure my 1Password Emergency Kit is kept some where safe.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Ben

    Oooooh, my bad, I didn't read carefully what you were saying in reply to re-generating new backup codes.

    No worries.

    I guess, all I am required now is to ensure my 1Password Emergency Kit is kept some where safe.

    I'd highly recommend that, yes. :)

    Thanks for your help!

    You're very welcome! Happy to help. If there is anything else we can do, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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