Opening a banking website in Chrome in Mac OS 10.13.6 using website link in 1password

Community Member

I have two separate and distinct accounts with the same bank.

If I open the first, do some transactions and then log out of the bank account, and close the browser and go to the second account and click its link - it reopens a browser window with the credentials of the first account again. Fortunately both accounts are mine and I am the sole user of the system, but this seems like a dangerous practice.

Note that the first transaction is completed, the account is closed, I am logged out from the account and the chrome browser is shut completely before attempting to initiate the second account access. Note also that the browser is in the doc but is shutdown with the "close application" option.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @BobBarker!

    Note that the first transaction is completed, the account is closed, I am logged out from the account and the chrome browser is shut completely before attempting to initiate the second account access. Note also that the browser is in the doc but is shutdown with the "close application" option.

    It sounds like your browser is configured to use its own password manager. Have you disabled the password manager in your browser already?

    Turn off the built-in password manager in your browser

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