add special character to generated password

Community Member

Many sites require a special character in a password. How do I tweak my 1password settings so that, when it generates a password, it includes a special character?

1Password Version: 7.6
Extension Version: 1password X
OS Version: OS 10.14.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @KazuT! Welcome to the forum!

    Are you trying to do this from the 1Password desktop app, or from the 1Password X browser extension? You mentioned both in your post, so I thought I would confirm :)

  • MHMertens
    Community Member

    Same question here. When using the Mac desktop app (v7.6) or the extension in the Mac titlebar I now almost always use a three word suggestion on grounds of longer-is-better etc. They come in all lowercase, no numbers. Many sites require a capital letter + a number or special character. I can of course add one manually, but it would be nice if we could set the recipe accordingly.

  • Hi @MHMertens

    If you generate a password within the 1Password app using the characters recipe you should see some sliders which you can adjust accordingly:


  • MHMertens
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben, this is of course correct. The passwords I generate often need to be given to other people, usually over the phone. For this reason we prefer pronounceable words. Bhutan-file-planet20 can be said over the phone, with cnbHC6!C.8bLbPW-9CBZmEfLQL@n7Nr it almost has an impact on the phone bill ;) As I said, it would be a nice-to-have and you could consider to implement it. The ground work is almost done.

  • Gotcha. Thanks @MHMertens. Changes to the actual recipes would require approval from our security team, but I'll pass the suggestion along. :)

    it almost has an impact on the phone bill



  • MoosMas
    Community Member

    Hi @Ben is it true the Windows app doesn't have these sliders? I don't see them when generating a password.

  • @MoosMas

    Going forward all of the apps will likely be adopting on/off switches instead of sliders for numerals and symbols, as this allows for greater entropy, which results in stronger passwords.


  • MoosMas
    Community Member

    Aww that's too bad :( Thanks for the reply though!

  • On behalf of Ben, you're welcome. I am sorry the news was not what you had hoped for.

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