Automatic password regeneration when clicking on password cog

Community Member


I'm confused with this functionality, and I'm finding it very odd and irritating. Whenever I press the cog on the right hand side, it automatically wipes my existing password and immediately replaces it with a regenerated one.

Why would this be desired behaviour? I or one of my family members could then do this accidentally, and press save without even realising (Like I have done myself just now)

1Password Version: 7.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.15.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Amperduke! Welcome to the forum!

    Thank you for sharing your feedback about this! I can see how this can be confusing, so I have added your feedback to the internal issue we are using to discuss this :+1:

    I or one of my family members could then do this accidentally, and press save without even realising

    Even if that happened, 1Password stores the password history inside every item, so it would always be possible to retrieve the previous password ;)

    ref: dev/apple/issues#1739

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