Troy Hunt joins 1Password Board

Community Member
edited November 2020 in Lounge

While that's great news, I wonder how much of a say he'll have, features wise? His blog post comments, and in this Discussion Forum also, indicate people wanting to stay with local vaults and not be pushed towards subscription.

I'm hoping for a way for the vaults backup being able offsite.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Indeed, it's great news for 1Password! :)

    An advisory board doesn't dictate individual products and features so much as advising more generally with regard to overall direction of the company, each based on their own experience and expertise, which is why we're fortunate now to have Troy with his background in security and privacy, which of course is ours as well, but he has his own unique perspective coming from his research and advocacy work from Down Under. :glasses:

    Since our goal is to make the best password manager we can to do the most good for the greatest number of people to stay safe online, the best way we've found to do that so far is with 1Password memberships since the vast majority are not going to want to deal with fiddling with licenses, sync settings, etc. So local vaults ("standalone") just aren't our focus. That was the best option when it was the only option, but there's a better one now. Cheers! :chuffed:

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