Allow parents to access more passwords on kids' devices?

Community Member

My wife and I are trying to teach our 10-year old daughter about online security and safe behaviors, and have installed 1P on her laptop and iPad so that she can start to use it to log in to various sites and apps she uses. We'd like to do this in stages, given her access to more and more of her accounts over time as she learns the ins and outs, but are struggling to figure out how to best leverage 1P for Families for this.

Say she has 10 password-enabled services she uses regularly. My wife and I would like to allow her to have access to and be able to use passwords to 6 out of these 10 services on her own. The remaining 4, which have a greater amount of personal information and risk of (accidental) misuse, we'd like to only be accessible to my wife and me. However, because the passwords are pretty secure (long and obtuse) we want 1P to manage them all 10 of them for us.

Is there a way to configure 1Password to support this sort of two-tiered access model? That is, if she is at the keyboard needing a password, she sees the 6. If we need to step in to help re-authenticate against one of the remaining 4, we somehow get a more privileged view and can see those additional entries in 1P? I know this isn't a direct feature of 1P, but I imagine this is not an unusual use case so was hoping someone had come up with a clever workflow and configuration that enable this two-tiered access.

In both scenarios, we are logged in to her device (whether Mac or iOS) under her account, and (unless someone instructs us to take a different approach) logged in to 1P under her username.



1Password Version: 7.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Catalina and 14.1
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @felciano

    It is certainly an interesting thought. :) At present the way I'd suggest handling it would be to store the 4 more-sensitive items in a vault that is shared between you and your wife. When your daughter needs supervised access, you could log into your 1Password account (or your wife into hers) using the web app. From there you could retrieve the credentials for your daughter. Once she is of age to have her own access to the credentials, you can add her to the shared vault. You could also potentially remove yourself and your wife from that vault at that time.

    I hope that helps. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.


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