Keychain suggestion above 1password one?

Community Member


I'm guessing the 1password suggestion that pops up within the form inputs is new.
It's popping up below any safari keychain suggestions and is therefore unusable. Any way to change this?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • @shornuk,

    Unfortunately, currently the only options there are to:

    1. press the down arrow on the keyboard (to put the focus into the 1Password menu and out of the text field)
    2. turn off username and password autofill in Safari's preferences window.
    3. turn off the 1Password menu in 1Password -> Preferences -> Browsers -> show inline menu in safari

    1 is kind of annoying to have to do every time, 2 will become a problem in the future when we ship an autofill extension and you want to be able to fill into other applications on your Mac, and 3 is maybe undesirable as the inline menu does provide a useful experience.

  • shornuk
    Community Member

    OK, that's great. I'll switch off 1password for now. I'm used to safari autofill and 1p living in the browser extension. 👍

  • @shornuk,

    :) :+1:

    Let us know if you have any other questions, we'll be glad to answer them.

This discussion has been closed.