Master Password only works when I copy and paste?

Community Member

My master password only works when I copy and paste it. I have tried on my Mac, iPhone, and my browser. I changed the password to not include an apostrophe as that seemed to be an issue in the past. It still is not working.

1Password Version: 7.7
Extension Version: 7.7
OS Version: OS X 11.0.1
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • @teddyfresh

    I am sorry you're still having trouble. Does your Master Password contain any special or accented characters? This help topic may provide some useful tips on using and not using certain special characters in your Master Password.

  • teddyfresh
    Community Member
    edited December 2020

    Only these:

    ‘; : $ @‘

  • @teddyfresh

    What language is your keyboard using? You might try changing it to something like the US if it's not already. Does that help? It's possible that some key combinations may not be rendering correctly, especially if you are using a different language keyboard.

    If that does not help, it may be best to have you reach out to us using to discuss this further and make sure we don't share any personal/private details in the community.

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