Stop 1Password from appearing in background & use of Open and Fill

Community Member

I've been using 1Password a few years. I'm running the current versions of 1Password and Mac OS. Sometimes my 1Password appears in the background behind the browser. Is there a way to stop this? (I vaguely remember an option for this when helping a friend set up 1Password last year.)

Yesterday I was helping someone set up 1Password on an older Mac running 10.13 (I think). It's a 2013 iMac as up to date as it can be and he uses Chrome as his web browser. I was trying to show him how to use Open and Fill from within 1Password. It would take us to the browser but open the Mini instead of auto filling the user name and password. Preferences seem to be right. Any advice for this?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • @DeltaSeven

    As for Chrome opening the mini. Can you try using a different browser? Do you experience the same results? Another possibility may be to have Chrome open and a tab open when opening a page. If I recall correctly, this happens when a user does not have the browser open or a tab shown.

    Concerning your first question, can you let me know more about this? I am not sure I follow.

  • DeltaSeven
    Community Member

    Re: Chrome opening the mini. I changed my default browser from Safari to Chrome and my Mac was behaving just like my friend's Mac...using Open & Fill took me to Chrome but opened the 1Password Mini window.

    I then switched my default back to Safari, did some testing, then back to Chrome...and the Open & Fill now seems to work as I expect (it takes me to the log in, it does not open the 1Password Mini). So, not that any of the makes sense...but I'll have to get to my friend's Mac and try toggling the default browser a few times and see if that helps.

    Re: my Mac and 1Password appearing in the background...used to happen often, now seems to happen occasionally. I'll have Safari as the only visible app, go to a web site and press Command \ to have 1Password auto fill the credentials. I'll see the 1Password window become visible behind the Safari window as the auto fill takes place. It's not a big deal, just my preference for usually using the Mac with only the active app's windows being visible. I guess my main question here is a vague recollection of seeing an option for this "appear in the background" behavior and not seeing it anywhere in the 1Password preferences. Am I mis-remembering seeing this option a few years ago during the install/setup of 1Password?

  • @DeltaSeven

    Another user was able to provide a recording so that I could see what was occurring. I have added you to our issue tracker for those experiencing this. Hopefully, development can get this fixed up in a future release. My apologies. I wish I had better news to share.

    ref: dev/apple/issues#5168

  • DeltaSeven
    Community Member

    A recording for which problem...toggling default browsers or the 1Password window appearing in the background?

  • @DeltaSeven

    My apologies and thank you for catching that. The issue with 1Password appearing in the background.

  • DeltaSeven
    Community Member

    Re: 1Password appearing in the background.

    Very good. It's obviously not a serious problem.

    I love 1Password and recommend it to anyone that asks me about password management. Love these forums and the support you and your colleagues provide.

    BTW, in helping my friend yesterday set up 1Password for the first time I saw the excellent videos on your 1Password YouTube channel. Watched a half dozen of them and they refreshed my memory and taught me one or two new things that I wasn't taking advantage of in 1Password. I was using Safari for identity and credit card auto-fill and while it has gotten better and better I decided to switch over to using 1Password for these items.

  • @DeltaSeven

    We are very happy to hear you love us. We love you too. We try to treat everyone as if they are family. Well, because we all are all one big happy family. I like our YouTube videos too. Videos can overcome 2D world problems that we run into from time to time. They are an excellent source for both education and troubleshooting.

    There is always something new to learn. It keeps me on my toes. :chuffed: I like when users share their way of using 1Password that I had never thought of, and as you mentioned, we get a refresher on new ideas because we all get accustomed to one method.

    Thank you for being part of the community.

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