Bug: Copy password item, switch Vault, save new, causes client sidebar to switch to that vault

Community Member

Just found a new bug on the latest MacOS client. Also seeing the severe slowdown in performance I saw mentioned in another question.

I have 3 Accounts, each with multiple Vaults. I am showing "All Vaults" in the sidebar. I have items tagged extensively. I open Tags, go to the Tag used for a set of password items, then select one password item in Account 3, duplicate it, modify the title, password and description field, then change the Vault to a different value in Account 1, and save.

Loooonnnnnnggggg spinning beach ball as it saves, then I see the Vault Selector in the left sidebar change from "All Vaults" to the single Vault where I saved the new item. This is not prior behavior, and I think it's incorrect behavior. Saving in a different vault when viewing all vaults should not change from All Vaults, it should stay on All Vaults.

Because I'm duplicating a bunch of items, this forces me to go back and re-select "All Vaults", then re-select the Tag, then re-scroll to the next item I need to duplicate, and repeat the process, adding about another 4 steps, and significantly slowing me down.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mjcsb!

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you, it looks like your message slipped through the cracks somehow!

    Loooonnnnnnggggg spinning beach ball as it saves, then I see the Vault Selector in the left sidebar change from "All Vaults" to the single Vault where I saved the new item. This is not prior behavior, and I think it's incorrect behavior. Saving in a different vault when viewing all vaults should not change from All Vaults, it should stay on All Vaults.

    Our developers are currently investigating reports of slow behavior, I believe from what you are saying that this might be related. What version of the 1Password for Mac app are you currently using, and on what operating system?

    Saving in a different vault when viewing all vaults should not change from All Vaults, it should stay on All Vaults.

    I see the same behavior here: when you save an item in a different vault, 1Password for Mac takes you to that vault for convenience. At the moment this is by design, but we can certainly consider if it makes sense to change this behavior in the future.

    I open Tags, go to the Tag used for a set of password items, then select one password item in Account 3, duplicate it, modify the title, password and description field, then change the Vault to a different value in Account 1, and save.

    Can I ask you to elaborate on your process a little bit? For example, why are you duplicating items in different vaults, and changing credentials when you do so? Would it perhaps be quicker to create new items in the destination vault directly, since you are changing the values anyway?

  • esquared
    Community Member

    I see this behavior as well, and if it's really by design, I think that a preference to avoid switching vaults is necessary - I almost never want to view a single vault, but use it for organizational means to be able to share some things with different people. I (almost) ALWAYS stay in "All Vaults" view.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for chiming in on this as well @esquared, noted :+1: :)

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