Crowdsourcing favicons?

Community Member

I'm loving that some popular services have high-res icons in 1password, but I'm missing icons in most cases. I've tried to manually change icons on some common sites, but that is time-intensive and bound to get outdated. Therefore I am asking, is there any possibility for you guys to provide some kind of git repository or something were we can help providing icons for the good of all 1password users? I suspect the icons are based on website urls in the background, but there could be some kind of simple process where we provide you with a screenshot of the navbar of the site or something to prove that the icon is correct. I'd love to help!

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  • DenalB
    Community Member
    edited February 2021

    Hi @alvarlagerlof,

    The only thing you (we) can do is to send icons together with their URLs to 1Password support.

    For more information you can read here:

    Actually I collected more than 200 icons and added them to my entries. And I'm not done. ;)

  • alvarlagerlof
    Community Member

    @DenalB Nice to see someone else caring about pretty icons. Sending emails to support might work but it seems that it would unnecessarily increase load on their end. That's why I was thinking about if there was a better way to crowdsource them.

  • DenalB
    Community Member

    That's why I was thinking about if there was a better way to crowdsource them.

    It is definitely a very good idea @alvarlagerlof. :+1:
    Let's see what 1Password people are saying. ;)

  • XIII
    Community Member

    Once again I would like to suggest to use the twitter avatar if there is no good website favicon.

    (though that might be hard to automate)

  • DenalB
    Community Member

    Hi @XIII,

    Often there is no icon or an account on Twitter for some websites. But yes, on my research for better icons I'm also looking on Twitter if I didn't find one on Google. ;)

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