Help hopelessly lost

Community Member

I am new to 1 password for mac and iOS. I a Canadian from Vancouver but living in Napoli Italy. I can’ t get it to function and there is no one hear that knows about password. I can’t understand how it works. I have spent hours trying. I have had no help that helps. I am going crasy. Help helpjelp


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @scipiofoster! Welcome to the forum!

    We will be happy to help you with this. I noticed that you also sent us an email with the same question. So we don't duplicate the answers by replying to you in multiple places, I am going to close this forum discussion and someone will get back to your email as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your patience!

    ref: BAQ-16856-931

This discussion has been closed.