How many FOs does it take to...?
Silly question probably, but what are the day-to-day differences in 1Password operation with a single Family Organizer vs. two of them? I've got things to the point where I wish to make my wife a FO in case something happens to me, but I don't wish to complicate or jeopardize the smooth-running 1Password setup we now have in place. The other members of our 1Password Family are elderly technophobes who need remote support in setting up new passwords and site access from time to time. Thanks in advance for any light you can shed.
1Password Version: Latest production
Extension Version: Latest production
OS Version: 4 Latest macOS
Sync Type:
Adding your wife should not change any day to day activities. It's just an added set of permissions she will have access to. You would likely be the customary FO, and the wife would be the secondary. I had it setup up this way for the inevitable situation. My wife never had to make use of the capabilities available to her. She knew of the existence, and I knew the helpful folks here would give her the guidance she needed in that kind of situation. That said, she would have probably been just fine on her own with handling the account recovery procedure. As it turned out, life happened, and I was the one who needed the feature when the unimaginable happened to her a few years past. I have now added one of my sons to the recovery group. He knows it exists but is oblivious to the feature being available during his day to day usage.
Take a moment to add your wife or another trusted family member to the FO group. Life can change things in the blink of an eye. It's better to be prepared.
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I have often thought of adding one of my close friends to the recovery group just as a FO. If something were to happen to my son and myself at the same time, I have other contingency plans in place. The events past cemented that desire to make sure everything was prepared for my children.
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Sounds like a plan, If you have any questions feel free to ask.