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I have an account1Password Eu today i receive two email(from and tells me to verify my email and configurate my account and inserti a code that is senso me in one of two email that are arrived to my email.I didn’ t know of these email are real and i don’ t open link to verify my email.I Own two account 1Password one from but these two email are arrived to address email that is associated to account from, i have cancel my subscription today of 1Password family of six months free trial from App Store IOS and i didn’t know is for that these two email are send to me,i am a bit agitated,cloud me help, sorry for my english i’ m Italian.


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MkgdtgvydfkbGdshg7fb! Welcome to the forum!

    We will be happy to help you with this. I noticed that you also sent us an email with the same question, and that my colleague Duncan has already been helping you over there. So we don't duplicate the answers by replying to you in multiple places, I am going to close this forum discussion and will let you continue the conversation via email, Duncan will get back to you as soon as possible :)

    Thank you for your patience!

    ref: WBH-49513-421

This discussion has been closed.