2 different accounts at one phone carrier how to manage it in 1 password?


Hello there
how can I manage this in 1 password. I have an account at my phone carrier and my wife has one there as well. So two different accounts I finished my loggin first, but if I try to do the same for my wife 1 password trys to update my log in data. Is there a way to put both of our accounts into 1 password. I am very new to one password and I can't find the answer. Or maybe it is just not possible to do that.

Thank you for your help

1Password Version: 7.7
Extension Version: 1.231
OS Version: OSX Catalina
Sync Type: 1 password
Referrer: forum-search:2 different accounts at one phone carrier how to manage this in 1 pasword?https://1password.community/search?Search=2+different+accounts+at+one+phone+carrier+how+to+manage+this+in+1+pasword%3F#


  • @Navigator964

    Sure, you can do that. Please follow this guide. That should get you going in no time. * Give each one a specific name, so you know which is which.

    Save a login manually in your browser

  • Navigator964
    Community Member

    Hello ag...tommy thank you very much. It was easy but I could not find it. Thank you and have a good day

  • @Navigator964

    You're welcome. It can be hard when you're starting out to find the right terminology to use in a search. If you're ever in doubt just pop in here and leave us a message. We'll do our best to get you on the correct path.

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