Is secret key the same for Mac and iOS devices for a family subscription

Community Member

I’m not seeing my private vault syncing between my Mac and my iOS devices, and I noticed that the secret key on my Mac account is not the same as the secret key on my iOS device. Might that be an indication that I somehow have two different vaults and causing a sync problem?


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    @c2e Have you recovered your account at some point in the past? Where are you viewing your Secret Key? Your current Secret Key for your Family subscription is the one you see after logging-in at

  • @c2e,

    This distinctly sounds like you've created two accounts, because if you had put your account through recovery you'd be met by constant prompts to sign in on the one that has the old key. You're going to want to get in contact with us via support email to untangle this configuration and get you into a good state.

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