How do I create a separate password for a shared vault?

Community Member

Hi There,

I switched to the family plan so I could create a shared vault for my brother, but it seems that he will need the password I use for my personal vault to access his. Is this right? How can I create a password for his vault that is different from mine? I really don't want him to have access to my personal information.

1Password Version: 7.7
Extension Version: 7.7?
OS Version: OS 11.2.2
Sync Type: iCloud


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    @MattSpence You need to invite him to join your 1Password family so that he can set-up his own Master Password and Secret Key. You can do that from the following page:

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mattspace!

    That is correct, your brother will need to be invited to your account. Here are the instructions, should you need them:

    Add and remove family members

  • MattSpence
    Community Member

    I think I might have figured out what was going on. When my brother joined my family account, all he saw was a field in which to submit the master password, which would be mine. I never noticed the little down-arrow next to my email address, and I'm not sure I was instructed to click on this. (I probably overlooked that detail.) I assume he should click on this and then choose New User . . .

    Then what? Does he need to sign up for his own 1Password account? Should he use the email address that I used when I sent him the invitation? Do I need to send him my secret key? What does he enter for the Master Password?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Does he need to sign up for his own 1Password account?

    No, he should just follow the invitation link he received in his email inbox, and join your Families account that way. No need to create a separate account outside of that :+1:

    Should he use the email address that I used when I sent him the invitation?


    Do I need to send him my secret key?

    No, you Secret Key should be only for you to know. He will receive his own Secret Key during the creation of his account.

    What does he enter for the Master Password?

    He will be prompted to enter a Master Password of his own choosing :+1:

  • MattSpence
    Community Member
    edited March 2021

    Here's what he sees when he gets the invitation email:

    • Removed personal information.

    I can't seem to share the screen shot.

  • MattSpence
    Community Member
    edited March 2021

    Oh, that worked.

    Here's what he sees when he clicks join

    Removed personal information.

  • ag_tommy
    edited March 2021


    I've removed your image in the post above this one for your privacy as this is an open public forum. You may need to help him recover his account and reset his Master Password. It sounds like he may not recall setting one. Is that the case? When he logs in it will be using his Master Password, Secret Key and email.

    Recover accounts for family or team members

    If you like we can move this to email support where you can share additional details. If you'd like to do that please contact us using

  • MattSpence
    Community Member


    Thank you for doing that. I hope I did not reveal too much before you caught that!

    Should he create his own 1Password account or download the app to his iPhone before trying to join my family account?

  • ag_tommy
    edited March 2021

    I think you're fine. Noting that is really not available such as email address. I didn't want it to get harvested by bots or anything like that. He could do it either way. I prefer to do it in the browser and then download the app. I'm old school and prefer the lager screen and so on. I'm telling a bit of my age here, but either will work just fine. :)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    @ag_tommy I'm old school and I like the idea of a lager screen. Where can I get one? :smile:

  • Haha great catch, err on the Mac. @missingbits Thanks for catching my incomplete thought. I just finished my first cup of coffee. As they say it always makes sense in your own head.

  • MattSpence
    Community Member

    @ag_tommy Thank you. So, he needs to create his own 1Password account first, and then accept my invitation to my family account?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    @MattSpence He should accept the invitation first and then he'll be prompted to set-up a 1Password account that is part of your family.

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