How to auto-fill 2FA static password on Zerodha?


My question is the same as I have noticed that they have added the id label.

<input type="password" placeholder="PIN" autocorrect="off" id="pin" minlength="6" maxlength="6" autofocus="autofocus" icon="lock" autocomplete="off" animate="true" label="PIN" rules="[object Object]" dynamicwidthsize="8">

The value is "pin" and I have added the same as can be seen in the screenshot below
I have added both "pin" and "PIN" as the password fields but on the input page nothing happens. I see the 1password logo on the input field but there is no auto-fill and upon clicking the button and selecting the login, instead of filling in the pin, it fills in the password.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 1.24.1
OS Version: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @_samkitjain ,

    Can you please try changing that field's type from "Password" to "Text" in 1Password and see if there's any difference? If not, try changing it to "Telephone" and try autofilling then.

    In case that didn't work, try saving a brand new login entry just for this field, where the PIN number is in the main password field of the item entry, see if autofilling with that entry works.

  • _samkitjain
    Community Member

    Hi @ag_yaron Changing the field's type to "Text" or "Phone" didn't work. Creating a new login worked on the other hand. Is there a better solution available?

  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the update @_samkitjain .

    The only other suggestion I can make is that you use drag and drop to fill that field. When you get to that field, click the 1Password icon on the top right corner of your browser to open it, grab the PIN field in the login item with your mouse and drag it into the PIN field on the website.

    It's either that or using a separate login item to fill it for now.
    We do have plans to improve such scenarios, so I do expect this to work at some point later on :)

  • _samkitjain
    Community Member

    Thanks for the update @ag_yaron Will look forward to newer versions of 1password in the future. Assuming that natively supporting a website is something 1password does, I would appreciate if you could consider this as a feature request for 1password to start supporting

  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2021

    Thanks for the feature request @_samkitjain .

    The issue here is not natively supporting this website, but rather a part of a larger feature request which is to support websites with more than one password field (and on this particular website, an additional password field that is on a separate page).

    Once we add that feature things should work for this website and all other websites like it. :+1:

    ref: dev/core/core#1439

  • _samkitjain
    Community Member

    Thanks for the update @ag_yaron Will wait for this feature to be added. Hopefully sooner than later. Is there a ticket or a roadmap that I can track?

  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    You can follow our changelog for 1Password in the browser here:

    We don't announce what's next, but we update the changelog when a new version is released and you can read what was added/fixed/improved.

This discussion has been closed.