Sort order always set to "Most recent to oldest"

Community Member

I'm cleaning up my 1Password items and doing it by sorting all items by Date Created and from oldest to most recent. Frequently I will do a search to see, for example, if I have a login for the same website as I have a generated password. After doing so, the sort order has always been switched to "most recent to oldest".

It would be nice to maintain what the user has selected.

1Password Version: 7.8.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.15.7
Sync Type: 1Password


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @markand!

    I am not able to reproduce this in 1Password for Mac: when I search for something, and then clear the search, the sort order is the same I was using before the search for me. Does this keep happening even after quitting 1Password completely (right-click on 1Password mini in the menu bar at the top right of your screen > Quit 1Password Completely), and relaunching 1Password?

  • markand
    Community Member

    Ok, that fixed it. Why is that? This has consistently had that behavior across re-boots. Very odd. Will let you know if it happens again.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Quitting 1Password completely starts the app again from a fresh state, so often it helps fix weird behaviors like this one. Basically, when there seems to be no explanation, the old "have you rebooted" suggestion works also for apps :)

  • markand
    Community Member
    edited April 2021

    hahaha.... so I did a search, and updated a record from the mini (adding the username) and upon returning, the sort order had switched again. Hope that helps.

    If there's any way I can gather more data as to what's happening, let me know!

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    I have searched our issue tracker and I saw an issue where a colleague was able to reproduce this some time ago. I have let our developers know that you are also experiencing this :+1:

    ref: dev/apple/issues#4752

  • markand
    Community Member

    @ag_ana - Thank you! It seems like doing anything with the entries after doing a search will screw things up. Let me know if they need more details.

    Thanks again for your help!

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    You are welcome @markand! Hopefully the developers will have the time to address this in one of the next updates :)

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