Troubles with sync

Community Member
edited May 2021 in Mac


It's not the first time I encounter this problem since I'm using 1password.

Again now, I'm on my Mac and want to log into a web site on which I've created an account several days ago when I was on my iPhone: no credential found ! First, I doubt, I think maybe I didn't record it into 1password and I did on the keychain of iOS ? So I check on my iPhone: yes I stocked the credentials on 1password.

So as I say, it's not the first time it happens since +13 years I use 1password (paying user) and I start to be tired of that. When it's not in this way, it's in the other way: I create credentials on 1password macOS and I don't get it on my iPhone.

The problem is the sync. Right now I checked in MacOS 1password: Last sync 5 days ago !
And I don't even know how to force it. On iPhone, when I have this problem, I can at least click on "sync now". But where is this button on the macOS version ?!
The Mac is a Mac-mini (M1) never switched off. And anyway, as I said, I have the problem with the iPhone but at least I'm able to force the sync (even if it's boring to do it).

What is the trigger for the sync ? Why iPhone and/or MacOS 1password stays during days without syncing ? Is it to push people to buy a subscription ? >_<


NB: As for the other times, it finally synced on the MacOS. I don't know what did the trick exactly but anyway I didn't want a solution for just this time, I know it will end up syncing at some point. I'm looking for a permanent solution.
NB2: forgive my English it's not my native language.

1Password Version: 7.8.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOS
Sync Type: iCloud


  • ag_tommy


    You did very well for English not being your native language. You can lock and unlock 1Password, and that should trigger a sync. If you're having trouble with iCloud syncing, this help topic may help be useful.

    If you're having trouble syncing with iCloud

  • bilan
    Community Member
    edited May 2021

    Thks for your answer. But if I understand well the help topic, it's more related to sync that does not work at all. In my case the sync works but I have to trigger it, sometimes.

    Exactly, what is the trigger for 1password to sync ? Or is periodically ? Is it supposed to check every X hours to see if there are modifications ? If so, how is it that my MacOS 1password did not check since 5 days ?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    The troubleshooting article should help with any sync issue, whether it happens all the time or just in certain cases. 1Password checks automatically every time you unlock the app, if you switch vaults, or if you edit an item.

  • bilan
    Community Member

    @ag_ana Hello, I see. So that's why. Because on my Mac, I never lock the vault !
    As it's in my house, in my study, I consider it's a secure place. So, not to have to unlock it all the times, I let it unlock.

    Maybe I will change the settings then, and force myself to unlock it at least one time per day. Through my Apple Watch for example.

    But on the iPhone I'm sure I unlock the app every time. (It's easy with faceID anyway). Though, I still have to go on settings from time to time and click on sync now.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Through my Apple Watch for example.

    This is definitely a nice option, yes :)

    But on the iPhone I'm sure I unlock the app every time. (It's easy with faceID anyway). Though, I still have to go on settings from time to time and click on sync now.

    I am afraid that we don't have visibility into third-party sync methods such as iCloud, so it would be difficult to say exactly what might be going on there :( Other than suggesting some steps that usually help, our hands are a bit tied unfortunately.

  • bilan
    Community Member

    I can’t let you say that it’s a problem with iCloud. With all due respect, It’s even ridiculous.

    Because when I do sync (clicking the button « sync now ») in the settings of my iOS 1Password, it syncs. How could it be the fault of apple/iCloud that 1Password does not connect to iCloud to fetch the updates until I push it to do so ?? On Mac you say it’s done at unlock, so it explains why it never does with me. But what is the trigger for the iOS version ?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Because when I do sync (clicking the button « sync now ») in the settings of my iOS 1Password, it syncs.

    Let's try a different approach then, to help isolate the issue: do you have other vaults synced with other sync methods in your 1Password? For example, vaults stored on or Dropbox? Do you see the same behavior there? If not, iCloud is playing a part in this.

    But what is the trigger for the iOS version ?

    As far as I know, they are the same events:

    1Password checks automatically every time you unlock the app, if you switch vaults, or if you edit an item.

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