cmd + \ no longer seems to auto-fill or work on Google Chrome


I use 1Password on my work machine (both the license & the machine are company-provided). The machine also has what I imagine is pretty standard MDM software, and so far I've never encountered it interfering with other various keyboard shortcuts or productivity tools (e.g. Alfred, Spectacle, etc). As far as I can tell, 1Password has all the appropriate system permissions in System Preferences.

My CMD + \ to auto-fill no longer seems to work. So far, I've tried the following:

  • re-installed 1Password (on OS) from Mac App Store
  • re-installed 1Password extension
  • "Quit 1Password completely" option on 1password mini
  • Disabled / enabled the option for "make 1password the default password manager"

It does seem to be Chrome-specific:

On Chrome (in incognito, with browser extension enabled)

  • cmd + \ seems to do nothing

On Safari & Firefox (also in incognito equivalent modes)

  • cmd + \ opens the modal and then auto-fills

Any thoughts? Thanks!

1Password Version: 7.8.6
Extension Version: 2.0.5
OS Version: 11.3.1


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @johnc1!

    Can you please download the classic extension and see if that works for you?

    Get the 1Password classic extension

    The new extension you downloaded (2.0.5) works differently from the classic extension, and at the moment does not use a keyboard shortcut for its interactions :+1:

  • johnc1
    Community Member

    Woohoo! That did the trick. Thanks @ag_ana!

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    You are welcome @johnc1! If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out anytime.

    Have a wonderful day :)

  • cspalding
    Community Member
    edited August 2021

    Your "classic" and "new" extensions are confusing, and I can't find an explanation of them on your website. I have removed "classic" and installed "new" in all my browsers.

    I am able to use keyboard shortcuts with the "new" extension in the Brave, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers (using 1Password 7.8.7 on mac OS 10.13.6). However, CMD+\ does not work on all websites. (When it does not work for a website, I believe it doesn't work for that website in any of those browsers [but I'm not certain of that].)

    The shortcut OPT+CMD+\ does seem to work to open 1Password Mini, from which I can select a login and Autofill. However, if the website is already open when I enter the shortcut, it opens a new tab and navigates to the website (again).

    (While I'm writing, although this might be a different topic, the 1Password Mini fails every time with one of the websites I access. It opens a URL in the form "" [where each "..." represents a 26-character string that I've omitted for security; the part between "?" and "=" is different each time], which results in a page-not-found error. [It does work in Safari.] The URL recorded in 1Password is simply "".)

  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2021

    Hey @cspalding ,

    The classic extension was our main attraction for many years, but is now considered legacy and no further development will be made with it.

    The new 1Password in the browser is where our focus is, and yes, it can now work with CMD+\ in certain situations. To be specific, if you have a single login item for a website, pressing CMD+\ will autofill it as you expect. However, if you have multiple login items for that website, then CMD+\ won't work (currently).

    Using OPT+CMD+\ is basically a workaround, as it calls 1Password mini from the desktop app instead of the extension, but is also why it launches a new tab instead of filling in the current one you're on. If you'd like a better experience, I'd suggest utilizing the extension's shortcut. By default, in Chrome it is CMD+SHIFT+X, and in Firefox it is CMD+. (Command + Period). In both, you can change the default shortcut in the extension's settings until you find one that is available and that works to your liking.

    As for the issue you mentioned at the end - that's a known issue that our developers are investigating, in which some metadata is appended to the URL and causing an invalid URL open in the browser.

    All of the above is on our radar and hopefully will improve soon. :)

    ref: dev/core/core#8723

    ref: dev/core/core#7602

  • cspalding
    Community Member

    Thank you, @ag_yaron, for your thorough response.

    It's unfortunate that the default shortcuts are not uniform across all the browsers. I guess that's a consequence of the individual browser configurations. I'll follow your suggestion, and look for a shortcut that can be the same for the browsers I use.

  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Glad I could help!

    I believe you can set CMD+. (Command + Period) in all browsers successfully, but you might find other comfortable shortcuts after experimenting a bit. :+1:

This discussion has been closed.