Feature request: connect 1password browser login attempt to ios app (w/ faceID)


I think everyone would agree face ID and/or touch ID are preferable to typing a long password. When I login to outlook.com on a new device (which requires 2-step verification) my phone basically immediately alerts me, I click on the open alert from the outlook authenticator app which uses face ID click OK, and by the time I look back at the browser it is logging me in. Can the browser versions of 1password connect to ios app to do this?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version:
OS Version: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:connect with ios


  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2021

    Hey @lcoreyl ,

    No, 1Password does not allow unlocking from different/separate devices because the encryption and decryption of data is performed locally on each device without sending secrets and authentication tokens back and forth to a server for maximum security.

    If you're on a new device, you can download the 1Password app first, set it up using a QR code from another device that already have 1Password installed, then launch Outlook or whichever app that requires your credentials so you can autofill it. 1Password should be able to utilize any biometrics feature that is available on most devices.

    Thanks for writing to us about this and suggesting the feature! I'll forward it as needed :)

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