I have version 7.7.7 on Android and 7.8.6 on Mac. I cannot sync. What's wrong?

Community Member

Not sure I'm OK with subscription.
Please help.

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Referrer: forum-search:I have version 7.7.7 on Android and 7.8.6 on Mac. I cannot sync. What's wrong?


  • Hello @nickaction! 👋

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble syncing your 1Password items between Android and Mac. Can you tell me how you're syncing your items? Have you setup iCloud or Dropbox sync for a standalone vault or do you have a 1Password account?

  • nickaction
    Community Member

    Dropbox sync on primary. Cannot retrieve my secret key. I'm a customer for a long time but don't know what to do to sync.



  • nickaction
    Community Member
    edited August 2021

    [removed by 1Password staff because it included personal information - this is a public forum]
    Is my registered email with 1pw

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    I have removed your personal email address from your post for your privacy, as you might not want to share it publicly :+1:

    Dropbox sync on primary. Cannot retrieve my secret key.

    I think this might be the issue, as you are mentioning two separate sync methods (if you have a Secret Key, you have a 1Password account which syncs via 1password.com, not Dropbox).

    Are you able to login to your 1Password account on https://my.1password.com? If you do, do you see all your data there?

  • nickaction
    Community Member

    I cannot login and I find the instructions very complicated. I only would like to sync through my primary file on Dropbox as I did for years with my iphone and my mac. Now with my Galaxy Fold sync doesnt work anymore. Why is it so difficult? Any advice?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    I would like to ask you to generate a diagnostics report from your Android device and email it to us to support+forum@agilebits.com, so we can take a closer look at why this is happening to you.

    After you have sent the email, please feel free to post the ticket number you received so we can locate your message and connect it with this forum discussion.

    Looking forward to your message!

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