Sorting Login Items by Korean Alphabets Show Same Letter Twice

Community Member

This might fall under the feature request category, but I thought it'd be crucial to anyone using Korean websites with 1Password. I was able to reproduce the bug/issue on iOS and macOS.

Currently on 1Password, when sorted alphabetically, the list shows the group header with the first letter. (i.e. A header would include Apple logins and Amazon logins, etc.) However, for Korean items, 1Password takes the first syllable not the first letter. I've included the screenshot of what is happening as an attachment. You can see two syllable groups are made with both ㅅ letter in it, even though the convention would call for one letter group. To put this in English perspective, it's like seeing Apple being in 'Ap' group and Amazon in 'Am', instead of just 'A' group.

Sorting itself is done correctly I believe, it's just the way the items are grouped. I would love to see it being done in regular dictionary fashion.

1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.8.6 (70806001) 1Password Sto
Extension Version: 7.8.6; Safari
OS Version: macOS 11.5.1
Referrer: forum-search:korean


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2021

    Hi @r26gray!

    Thank you for the suggestion! I see how this could be useful, so I have passed it to our developers for further consideration. We will reach out again in case we have any questions :+1:

    ref: dev/apple/issues#5431

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    I wanted to send you a quick update since I have heard back from the developers about this: it turns out that they were already aware of the request, so this is definitely on their radar. I cannot promise anything about dates, but hopefully they will get the chance one day to look at this :)

    ref: apple-2196

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