Does 1Password detect password requirements? If so, wow!
I was changing my password and the field asked for a 6-12 character password. I thought I'd need to go into the Generate Password dialog and customize the length—and then I noticed that the automatically generated password in the inline field was shorter than usual. It worked, and then I checked the length, and sure enough, it was 12 characters. What a great feature, which I had somehow missed. I'd love to know more about how and when this works.
@benmattison If you select the Smart Password as default for suggestions then the password generator checks the page for the passwordrules attribute and checks whether the website's password rules are contained in the database compiled with Apple. -
Very interesting. I knew that websites providing guidance to password generators was on the horizon but I didn't realize that it was actually happening yet. So this website is using the passwordrules attribute—1Password doesn't detect written password rules on the page as I was imagining.
Two questions: Are Smart Passwords used in the inline password suggestions, even though there's no option that I can see to turn it on there? And do you get Smart Passwords in Safari (running 7.8.7), which has a different interface than the one pictured in the blog post?
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Two questions: Are Smart Passwords used in the inline password suggestions, even though there's no option that I can see to turn it on there?
Yes, I think that the inline menu automatically uses smart passwords, which is why there is no setting there directly. If you need to create a specific password, you can use the full password generator manually :+1:
And do you get Smart Passwords in Safari (running 7.8.7), which has a different interface than the one pictured in the blog post?
The password generator rules come from the 1Password "brain", which is not inside the browser extension. Because of this, no matter what extension or browser you use, you should get the same "brain" behind the scenes ;)