Quick Access Gets Stuck Sometimes

Community Member

When using Quick Access I've found that the window gets stuck every now and then after using it. That is, after I find and navigate into an item I'll copy something from it or open it in its own window. Once I do that, then more often then not the next time I go to Quick Access it is still in the same place (understandable, to a degree, though after a few minutes should reset), even after clearing the search. Based on how Spotlight Search, as well as 1P 7 Mini work, I'd expect the window to go back to the initial state of just the search field when the search is empty. I can reset it myself by quitting it using the Command-Q keyboard shortcut, which seems to just quit Quick Access but leave 1P 8 otherwise running.

Honestly I don't know if this is intended behavior or a bug, but I wanted to alert you to it. Is anyone else seeing this?

1Password Version: 8.2.0-44.BETA
Extension Version: 2.0.6
OS Version: 11.5.2/20G95 ARM


  • Fooligan
    Community Member

    Have you tried hitting the back arrow (←)? This should take you back to the main search hierarchy.

    This is probably a small oversight bug. I imagine it will be fixed or clarified in the UI at some point.

  • alexclst
    Community Member

    @Fooligan, thanks, that helps. But still, it should be clarified, or revert after a time to the initial state.

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