The list of tags does not change when i select vaults

I have 3 vaults — personal, work, other. In 1P 7 if i select vault, my tag list show me tags from selected vault. In 1P 8 i always see all tags. This is bug or feature?

What is the functionality of vaults if tags do not depend on vault?

1Password Version: 8.2.0-56.BETA
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 11.4


  • Hi @anikin,

    Thanks so much for testing out 1Password 8.

    The sidebar in 1Password 8 does have different functions than 1Password 7.

    The sidebar is filtered by collections. Some of the default collections are:

    • All Accounts.
    • A collection for each account.

    If you have vaults you only want at a particular time you can create a collection with out those vaults so only the tags and vaults you care about show in the sidebar.

    Vaults are really useful for strict sorting of items because each vault has its own encryption keys. An example of when this would be really useful is in a family or business account with multiple users and shared vaults. An example of this is login items for shopping sites, some could be stored in a shared vault because each person needs to log into certain shopping sites and others in a private vault because they don't need that other site.

    Tags are great because items can have the same tag across multiple vaults, from the example above you could have a shopping tag so you could always find all shopping items irregardless of which vault they are in. Using a tag doesn't change the access level of an item (that is done by vaults).

    So tags, vaults, and collections are all ways to 'organize' your data.

    • Tags are useful because can apply as many as you want to an item, and the same tag can be used across multiple vaults.
    • Vaults are useful to limit access to items from other members in an account, or to strictly sort items, and this allows you to use collections.
    • Collections are useful to hide accounts or vaults you don't need or want at certain times.

    You can can view and manger your collections by clicking the All Accounts button in the top left corner and then selecting Manage Collections.

This discussion has been closed.