Setting for included in All Vaults in 1Password 8 Desktop app


Would be great if I can set vaults visible in All Vaults for 1Password 8 (just like we have in v7) for the desktop app. Would be even greater if this setting is propagated to browser extensions and I do not need to set this in 4+ browsers

1Password Version: 8.2.0-56.BETA
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 11


  • Hi @kambanka,

    I was going through some of the 'older' discussions and noticed we never replied to your message here. Sorry about that!

    On All Vaults in 1Password 8. We actually have a new feature that is a bit more powerful (and I would say useful) than All Vaults. Collections, they let you create a group of vaults that you can use and search with out including the other vaults in your account(s). This is great because you can create multiple collections and swap between them easily with out needing to go into settings. You can see more details here:

    We have yet to add collections to 1Password in the browser, but I have poked our developers letting them know of the request to bring this feature to there and to get it to sync like you described.

    ref: dev/core/core#6045

  • kambanka
    Community Member

    8-) Thank you for the heads up!

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of Joshua, you are welcome @kambanka!

This discussion has been closed.