Browser extension lock state lost without menubar icon

It seems that without the "Keep 1password in menu bar" checked, the browser extension does not keep the lock/unlock state. Every time I quit/relaunch safari, it launches the main app and makes me log in.

In 1p7, you didn't have to have the main app open (or 1p in the menubar) in order for 1p browser extension to remember the lock state. I do not need/want yet another icon in my menu bar.

1Password Version: 8.2.0-56.BETA
Extension Version: 2.0.6
OS Version: macOS 11.5.2


  • Mike1951
    Community Member

    I'm having the same problem with FireFox. Also is the menu bar icon only suppose to have a search because in v7 it had all the saved passwords?

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