Sorting issue with dagger symbol
This isn't a new problem but I've just never gotten around to reporting it before.
I mark expired items that I don't want to archive or delete by adding a dagger (†) at the beginning of the Title. It makes sense to me (a clear visual indication that the item is dead), it’s easily typed on the standard Mac U.S. keyboard (⌥t), and it used to have the desired effect of moving marked items to the bottom when sorting by Title. Alas, for some time now items whose title begins with a † have been displaying up top when sorting by Title, the exact opposite of what I want. I don't know why this change was made, or even if it was a deliberate change, but it sure would put a smile on my face if 1Password would go back to its earlier behavior of sorting the † after alphanumeric characters rather than ahead of them.
While this behavior also afflicts the iOS and Android apps I’m reporting it here because (1) the Mac is my primary platform and (2) the Mac app has a sorting checkbox under Advanced Preferences that gives me the option whether to show items with digits and symbols first, making the fact that said checkbox has no effect when the symbol is a dagger in-your-face irksome.
Any chance of this being remedied any time soon?
—Ben F
1Password Version: 7.8.8.BETA-0 (70808000)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.14.6
Hi @benfdc!
Thank you for the feedback here! I have tested this and the sorting option is working fine for me:
I have numbers and symbols at the bottom of the list, so this should work for you too. As a first quick test, can you please try quitting 1Password completely (right-click on 1Password mini in the menu bar at the top right of your screen > Quit 1Password Completely), and then relaunch 1Password? Do items sort properly now?