1Password 8 JavaScript Error


The dialog seen in the attached screen shot, with the title "A JavaScript error occurred in the main process," just showed up for me. I am not sure what I was doing at the time that might have caused it. I had recently used Quick Access and also opened 1Password 8 from the menu bar icon, but was not actively using 1Password when it appeared.

1Password Version: 8.2.2-39.BETA
Extension Version: 2.0.6
OS Version: macOS 11.6


  • Hi @slprice, thanks for letting us know, and sorry that you ran into this. I'm going to get together with some of our team members here and see what this might be about. Again, we appreciate you surfacing this! Hope to have more for you soon. 🤝

    I have also filed this with our developers so they can investigate it with their usual technical wizardry. 😀

    ref: dev/core/core#10161

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