Indicator that an item is Archived


When searching for an archived item, I'm not seeing a label or indicator that it's archived. For instance, if I have two items, one of which is in my private vault, and the other which has been archived, there's no label that says "archived". Aside from browsing/scrolling through the actual archive, how can you tell when an item is actually archived?

Ideally, when viewing an item with the new pane that shows its path along with who has access to it, the word 'Archived' would also be displayed.


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Referrer: forum-search:archive


  • Hey @djarsky, thanks for this suggestion - I have passed it on to our developers as a potential feature improvement. Thanks for letting us know that this is something you'd like to see, and making the case for it. It's my pleasure to send the word along.

    ref: dev/core/core#10171

  • ticky
    Community Member

    Co-signing on this request. Very difficult to work out that searching for an entry that wasn't pre-populating on the website ended up being in the Archive.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for the feedback too @ticky! I have added you to the list :)

  • OAW
    Community Member

    I'm unclear on the purpose of the Archive. There was a blog post back in May that the Archive was replacing the Trash. Now here recently we have a Recently Deleted section in addition to Archive. All my items that were in the Trash before are now in Archive and Recently Deleted is empty. Huh?

  • Hi @OAW, thanks for posting to help clarify this.

    We found that there were things people needed to hang onto, but didn't need on a day to day basis. An expired software license, or the login for a service you used to use but the account couldn't be deleted. Some people would create a separate vault titled Archive and move those items to it, others would put these items in the Trash.

    Archiving an item now puts it out of sight and out of mind, but still available for as long as you need. If you know that you're not going to need that item, then it can be deleted, where it's accessible in Recently Deleted for a limited time.


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