Moving item to another vault, creates duplicate



I'm trying to move items to another vault. When I move an item it seems it is duplicated. The "old" item seems still in vault 1, while there is a copy in Vault Y.

Anybody experienced the same issue?

1Password Version: Mac 8.2.2-39.BETA
Extension Version: 2.0.7
OS Version: 11.5.2


  • BobW
    Community Member

    Yep, same thing here.

    I'm glad you posted this, too, because only about 30 minutes ago, I moved to my personal account eight items I'd accidentally saved in my corp account (oops), and checking now, I see copies still in the corp account. Ugh.

    1P Mac 8.2.2-39.BETA, move done in-app from a shared vault in my corp teams account to a shared vault in my personal family account. Notably, the created/modified dates on the item are unmodified in the new copy that's in my personal account, but the modified date on the original item in my corp account reflects when I made the move.

  • PeterG_1P
    edited September 2021

    Hi @primeminister and @BobW, thanks for letting us know about this. I'll look into it and pass the word to our developers as well so we can figure out the situation. Thank you for letting us know, and for the details as well!

    ref: dev/core/core#10237

  • BlackDumbledore
    Community Member

    So I have an update on this! Also on 8.2.2-39.BETA, thought I was seeing duplicates as well, but it turns out those duplicates are only in the search, but not in the actual vaults. Every time you move an item, it seems to create an additional search entry, even though the actual item gets moved.

  • @BlackDumbledore

    Thanks for chiming in! You're right, I can reproduce this behaviour as well. I'll be sure to add these details to the issue that Peter filed with our development team as well. :+1:

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