BUG: Discard changes prompt even when no changes have been made

Community Member

If you click the Edit button on an Item, and immediately click Cancel, a dialog pops up asking if you want to "Discard your changes? You'll lose your changes to this item." even though no changes have been made.

This is a bit worrying because it made me think that I (or something) had inadvertently changed something in the item, and as I didn't know what had changed, I was concerned I might have accidentally changed some crucial information.

If the item hasn't been changed, why does it need to ask you to discard changes when clicking Cancel? 1Password should be clever enough to identify when any fields have been edited, and only show the "Discard your changes?" prompt if changes have actually been made.

1Password Version: 8.2.2 (80202060)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.15.7


  • Hey @snozdop. I do see how this could be confusing and could use some improvement/refinement. There are some edge cases here, because there may actually be changes. We take the opportunity when you edit an item to do some clean-up (e.g., title an untitled URL field), so even if you didn't change anything, we want to give you a chance to save the cleaned up version of the item. But, of course, that's not always the case, so that's why I say there's definitely some room for changes here. :smile: I've filed your feedback as issue #9901, in case you want to keep an eye on that in the release notes and/or ever ask us about it in the future.

    ref: dev/core/core#9901

  • snozdop
    Community Member

    Thanks. Perhaps 1Password could highlight the fields it regards as changed when asking so that you can review them?

  • You're welcome! And that's a good suggestion; I've added that to the report. :smile:

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