Browser feature request


Having used the extension on iOS 15 and migrating email services to Fastmail, one thing that would be a great addition is generating a masked email which doesn’t save to 1password.

For instance newsletters, guest checkouts, product update forms etc.

I don’t like that this would clog up 1password with “accounts” that aren’t actually accounts.

You can do this at the moment by clicking cancel, once you’ve filled the masked email and it asks you to save to 1password. But a more intuitive option would be great!!

(Similar to how DuckDuckGo does it for private duck addresses via the extension in their app).


  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @chris55 ,
    Thanks for writing to us about this.

    Implementing features that make it easier to not save/document autofill data are a big no-no for us. If anything, we do everything in our power to prevent situations and scenarios where data that is autofilled is not saved in 1Password with all sorts of fail-safes.

    What you are doing is the correct thing - if you don't need it, don't save it in 1Password :)
    However, making it easier for other users to not save data, who may or may not be as tech savvy as yourself, is not something we'll consider because some users just do stuff by mistake and are then locked out of their accounts.

    Thanks again for bringing this up though, much appreciated! :)

  • chris55
    Community Member


    Thanks for the reply. I totally get where you’re coming from. It’s not as though it isn’t saved though, if you’re using the integration to create a masked email, Fastmail does save this for you. But I’ve thought of a couple of ways this could be achieved which doesn’t impact on what you said.

    1. Just a change of wording - Instead of the options saying cancel and save when the pop up shows. Could this say Don’t save and save? That’s clear from a user point of view the consequence to the action. Where cancel could imply the account wouldn’t be created on the website. This is what I thought when I did this for a newsletter, I wasn’t sure if the masked email would be created (until I checked fast mail that indeed it had).

    2. Similar to the “passwords” category. Could it auto save to a new category when a password isn’t saved alongside the email and website?

    I guess I wouldn’t mind it saving if there was a way to hide it in 1Password somehow.

  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the additional suggestions here Chris! Much appreciated.

    I'll forward it to the team :)

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