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Forum Discussion

Former Member's avatar
Former Member
4 years ago

Firefox extension broken

I can't open or use 1password in Firefox anymore. It's been broken for a little while now.

OS: Fedora 35
Browser: Firefox 93.0

I've tried deleting and reinstalling the plugin. Sometimes it works for a bit and starts failing again. The Ctrl+. command opens the broken
plugin window, but can't seem to close it afterwards. Its just stuck in this state. I can't log in. Its very frustrating.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.1.3
OS Version: Fedora 35

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Hey @nfsmith ,

    There seems to be an issue with the 1Password extension on Firefox in Fedora Linux that causes this display bug.
    However, there are several possible workarounds/solutions for you to choose from until this is fixed:
    - You can still type in your password even though you don't see what you're typing, then hit Enter to unlock the extension. Once it is unlocked, it will display normally.
    - You can remove 1Password from your browser and install the latest beta version, which seems to work better:
    - You can install Firefox's binaries from Mozilla's website instead of the packed version you have on Fedora:

    Sorry for the inconvenience.